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a button

Baby phone is trivial to use for baby. However they are a few  trick that you should know about.

Most issues met by users are related to the toddler lock.

One principle of Android is that an application cannot take control of the device. In any situation, the user should keep full control of his/her device. This is a good principle but when you give your device to your baby this is not exactly what you want.

I cannot exit baby phone


To exit baby phone you need to press the buttons in this order:

How the toddler lock works ?

As said in the foreword, Android makes almost impossible for applications to take control of the device. The trick used by Baby phone (as well as other toddler apps) is to register the application as the default launcher. The launcher is the application that is displayed when you press the Home button that allows to start the different application installed on your phone. After you exit Baby phone, the application unregister as a launcher application and the Home button will retrieve its normal behaviour.

Another part of the toddler lock is to handle the task manager. The task manager is called after a long press on the Home button or more recent devices have a hardware/software button that will be easily pressed by your toddler. In this case the trick is to start a few (totally 6) activities that will appear in the history of activity. Luckily your toddler will return to Baby phone.

Home button always call Baby phone


This can happen if you did not exit Baby phone normally (maybe after a crash of the application?) or a phone shut down.

In this case just exit normally Baby phone as explain in point 01.




Home button always call my default launcher


This can happen if you already use an alternative laucher or you already set the standard launcher as the default one. In this case you have to remove the launcher as the default one.

In summary you have to go in application management then find you laucher and finally in the properties to cancel the default action.

Details instruction for Android 4.0 and above are here (documentation to be added later).

Details instrcution for older Android version are here (documentation to be added later).


There is not my problem


Use Baby phone help to mail me. In the help screen there is a button to send me a mail message.


What matter is the color of the buttons and not the orientation of the screen.

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